Donate Baby Items

Or pledge a monetary gift to support Birthright of Charlotte.

Your Support Will Change Lives

Baby in a wagon

Support Local Families: Donate Baby Items in Charlotte

At Birthright of Charlotte, we are dedicated to supporting families in need by providing essential baby items and supplies. Your generous donations make a significant impact on the lives of local parents and their children. If you have gently used or new baby items, consider donating them to Birthright of Charlotte. Your contribution will help ensure that new babies in our community start life with the essential items they need. Monetary donations are also essential to this mission and are greatly appreciated.

Why Donate Baby Items to Birthright of Charlotte?

  • Make a Difference: Your donations directly support families in Charlotte, providing them with the resources they need to care for their babies.
  • Community Impact: By donating, you help build a stronger, more supportive community. Every item you give can bring comfort and stability to a family in need.
  • Sustainable Giving: Donating baby items is an excellent way to give back and ensure that items you no longer need are put to good use.

What Baby Items Can You Donate?

We accept a variety of baby items to support our mission, including:

  • Undershirts or onesies, infant gowns and sleepers (0‐3 months)
  • Crib sheets and blankets
  • Hypoallergenic baby wash and lotion
  • Disposable diapers (Newborn and Size 1), wipes and ointment
  • Sweaters and jackets (0‐3 months)
  • Baby bath towels
  • Maternity clothes especially large sizes

Birthright does not accept car seats, cribs, high chairs, playpens or other furniture.

Monetary Donations

To donate to Birthright of Charlotte, please click on and complete the Donation Form at the bottom of the page so we can acknowledge your gift.

If you prefer to donate using PayPal, please click the Donate button below. Even if you don’t have a PayPal account, you can donate by credit card using the button below. Birthright of Charlotte is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization and all donations are tax deductible.

Here are a few examples of how your donation could help:

  • $25 can purchase diapers, ointment, baby lotion
  • $50 can purchase groceries for client
  • $100 can purchase pregnancy tests
  • $200 can enable a client to earn a High School General Equivalency Degree (GED)
  • $250 can assist with advertising
  • $500 can assist with housing and utility bills for a client

$ .97 of every dollar goes to Program expenses.

Articles of clothing, blankets, diapers, baby wash, and other toiletry items are needed to help keep the clothing and supply room at Birthright stocked, and your financial support helps us do just that. A mother who has just given birth can visit Birthright and receive a collection of items that will enable her to begin caring for her baby.

You can complete this online Volunteer Form to express your interest and give us needed information.

    Donation Form

    Amazon Wish List

    Birthright would not be able to fulfill our mission without the help and generosity of our donors. It is the support from people like you that allow us to support anyone facing an unplanned or problematic pregnancy. Our assistance comes in many forms, as do our donations. If you would like to make a tangible donation, the easiest thing to do is shop our Amazon wish list. We keep our wish list updated with the most current and pressing needs of our clients. All items are shipped directly to our office where they are then given to women in need as those needs arise. Please be sure to include your name and address in the gift message so we can properly thank you for your donation!  Click here to shop now!

    Amazon Wishlist